Monday, December 1, 2008

La Trahison Des Clercs

What a week it has been!! A truly tragic week for the country and especially for Mumbai, a city I've lived in for 10 years and come to love dearly. It was heart wrenching for me to see the Taj burned, a place for aspiration for young penniless youth like me. We used to say in humour, Taj me party dunga...Dont know when it will open again but hope its soon enough.
A period of 48 hrs has passed since the terrorists and the mourning time is almost over. Its time to get cynical and start hard questions. This attack only adds to the long resume of achievements of this pathetic government headed by an effete Prime Minister who is directed by an Italian idiot helped by her loser son. The Media too has behaved irresponsibly with the likes Raajdeep Sluredesai putting spin on their version of things. I betcha they were hoping for this to be a Hindu attack When I saw reports of vermilion on terrorists, I had a bad feeling...I could almost see CNN IBN putting out clinching evidence in the form of the sadhvi practicing yoga and hence saying that she knew yoga and escaped the jail,shot the people and came back. Slurdesai and Padmashri Burqa Dutta went into an overdrive against Modi visiting Mumbai. They obviously dint tell you the complete story which is this
Likewise, stories of Yuvraaj Rahul baba partying all through the night were completely suppresed. That the media has its own agenda is a known fact. I humbly request all my 4 readers not to be fooled by it and refer to nationalistic journals like for the complete picture.
The response of the government was callous, lazy and apathetic. Manmohin addressed the nation 24 hrs after the disaster. Senorita was only 'angry and upset' and Shivraaj looked positively drunk on national TV. Business as usual here. But the piece de resistance was the Idiotic Prime Minister inviting the ISI chief to show him evidence!!!!!! What was Manmohin thinking? That this was some fucking Parent teacher meeting where he'd have told the chief that how badly his boys were behaving and the chief would have gone home and scolded his boys? No! He'd have gone back and wiped the trail clean. What a nut we have for a PM!!! Did he really get those degrees or is the Oxford University so bad.
The sad fact is that terrorism discourse in this country has been plagued by blatant minorytism in the past 4 years. It is ironic that Manmohini will try and build the same Anti Terror apparatus in the last hundred days in his office that he helped dismantle in the first hundred days of his/her office. The delay in the hanging of Afzal Guru to please muslims is a case in the point. The media has been dominated by left liberal assholes who only want Hindus to keep on apologizing to Muslims. This brings me to the title of my post, a famous line in French poem which means the treason of the learned. It explains what India has been going through since Independence. At every point this country has been betrayed by the elite ie congress rulers. Right from the Hindu hating Kashmiri loser to Power lusting Indira to the Senorita, this country has been betrayed. The events in Mumbai were an extension of the same chain of events.
The Congress party has resorted to dirty tricks whenever it is sure of losing. Think the St Kitts case where non existent accounts of V.P.Singhs son were revealed with the connivance of the stooge media. Or may be Hawala Case or may be the numerous dismissals of elected governments through the goverener's powers. The Malegaon Blast case took also the same path. Had not the jihadis intervened the 'revelations ' would have continued till May, ultimately implicating a senior RSS functionary. So while the jihadis were planning the attacks, the ATS was playing games on behalf of its political masters . All these actions are an open invite to the jehadis to come and kill us. And the channels will chant the Spirit Of Mumbai chant which means that come kill us, rape us, destroy us and somehow, we'll blame ourselves.
The media will always tell us that all the politicians are the problem when the Cong is in a tight spot. They will tell us that the BJP did nothing too. Well at least it dint support the terrorists?
And we did build the the fence then which has prevented infiltration to a large extant. The intent of the BJP, (niyat) was positive, unlike this administration. We have a PM who loses sleep over the interrogation of a Muslim and himself allows the torture of a Sadhvi. The cong now is scared of being wiped out in this election and is getting the media to sponsor a Dont Vote campaign so that the Kangi prospects are brightened. Please dont be fooled. This is THE ONLY country in the world which has fought back 3 insurgencies Punjab, Nagaland, and Andhra Pradesh. I still have hope that we will defeat this Islamist menace, but for that we have to elect the right party. The Lotus has to come to power if the treason of the learned has to stop.

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